What does it take to get the best out of a team? Of course, it takes hard work and effort, but it also takes honesty and courage: the courage to be honest about performance and how to improve. Read More
An ISCC PLUS certification recognizes Dow’s implementation of decoupling fossil feedstocks by using waste sourced feedstock, following a full independent, external audit. Read More
After many notable events resulting in devastating consequences for human life, the environment and property, the pipeline industry as a whole has worked diligently to improve safety. Read More
The U.S. Department of Transportation notified Congress that it intends to award this funding through its Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) competitive Grant Program.
bp is set to confirm Kate Thomson as its permanent CFO after naming Murray Auchincloss as CEO last week, completing a leadership reshuffle following Bernard Looney's abrupt resignation in September. Read More